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Should you have a choice to choose?

"Leo Hickman asks should environmentally harmful products be 'edited' off the consumer menu?"


Apec 'muddies the climate waters'

"Strange climate - Is the Apec summit opening rifts in the climate continuum? "


The looming food crisis

"Land that was once used to grow food is increasingly being turned over to biofuels. This may help us to fight global warming - but it is driving up food prices throughout the world and making life increasingly hard in developing...


EU biofuel policy is a 'mistake'

"The EU target of ensuring 10% of petrol and diesel comes from renewable sources by 2020 is not an effective way to curb carbon emissions, researchers say."


Millions say it is too much effort to adopt greener lifestyle

"Millions of people across Britain think their behaviour does not contribute to climate change and find it too much effort to make green changes to their lifestyle, a government survey suggests."

Displaying results 971 to 975 out of 1050